Thursday, 18 November 2010

What you will learn in a Rock School Brighton band | Rock School Brighton

Thu 18 Nov 2010

Learning a musical instrument whereby you are taught what to play and how to play it by a teacher on a one-to-one basis is a great way to learn. You will become familiar with chords (if a chordal instrument), scales, rhythm, tempo, melody and harmony. But how do all these different aspects of music combine to make up,well,-music?

Most people that want to learn an instrument do so because they would ultimately like to play with others and make music in a band rather than be a soloist or self accompanist. So what will you learn by getting together with other people and collaborating on a musical project?

A good Rock School in Brighton will not only teach you about your chosen instrument but will also, pretty much from the beginning, get you playing with fellow students who are at a similar level of learning. So if you are a guitarist you will usually be encouraged to team up with a bass guitarist, drummer and a vocalist to form a band. From within this unit the Rock school tutor will teach you how to be a band. So what will you discover?

It is important that the band members are all of a similar musical standard so no-one feels left behind or as if they are not being challenged enough. Then the actual mechanics of how a band works will start to reveal themselves as the tutor takes you through learning and performing a song. You will discover how the different instruments can combine to form something that is greater than the sum of its component parts. How the drum pattern combines with a bass guitar figure, how a guitar riff is underpinned by a solid rhythm and how a vocal melody can weave in and out of a instrumental backing.

You will also learn about dynamics ie. when to increase the intensity and volume of a piece and when to lay back and play more quietly, about accents, musical stabs, time signatures and different musical styles. Then there is how to arrange a song, meaning where to put each instrument in a song and what it is they play in relation to another instrument to create the kind of “feel” you are after. Not to mention different types of sounds that a musician can get from his instrument and equipment, as well as how to correctly set up and balance a vocal PA system and what you need to know to set up a public performance.

As you can see there is a great deal that you can from being taught music in a band context that goes way beyond what you could learn from private one-to-one lessons. It is all part of what a good Brighton Rock school should be teaching as part of their curriculum. One we recommend that has particularly good reputation for dedication and the encouragement of its students in this context can be contacted by clicking the link here.


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Playing and learningin a Brighton rock school band is best. Here's why...

Monday, 15 November 2010

What to consider when employing Brighton gardeners | Gardeners Brighton

Ok you have made the decision to employ the services of a Brighton Gardener. So what is it that you need to look for and consider? Question that you may have in your mind are:-

What experience level do they need to have ideally?

Do they have any recognised qualifications for the type of work I want them to do?

How much should I expect to have to pay them?

Do they have any references or samples of their past work?

How will I know if I will get on with them?

The obvious benefits of hiring a Brighton gardener are that they will be doing all the hard work, and much faster and better than you could. But the above points also need to be considered, as an incompetent or novice gardener could do more harm than good to your garden.

Where experience is concerned we are really talking about on the job experience. You may find someone who is fresh out of a horticultural college but has no actual gardening experience. Make sure that as well as relevant qualifications (see below) the Brighton Gardeners you contact have been in business for a minimum of five years and has built up the necessary practical skills.

A reputable and experienced Brighton gardener should hold some kind of recognised horticultural qualification from a professional body such as the Royal  Horticultural Society or City and Guilds. If a landscaping company, then similar recognised qualifications such as ABC vocational awards and City and Guilds should be held. Other qualifications you may require are for tree felling and use of certain machinery eg. chainsaws.

Payment rates vary considerably depending on the job in hand and the level of service offered. A one man operation who carries out maintenance would probably charge less (say £10/hour)  than a larger operation that does more. If you provide the tools and materials then obviously the price will come down. A good  idea is to get a written estimate from the company up front for all materials and labour so as to avoid any surprises later. This avoids having to worry about time building up at an hourly rate,  especially if it is a longer job as one gardener will take longer than another to do the same task.

Ask to see a portfolio of their past work to see the standard they acheive and that its fits well with the kind of work you want done. Some gardeners may not have the skills and experience needed to create or manage organic gardens, bamboo gardens or waterscapes. Communicate all of the details of any specialty gardens clearly when meeting with a prospective  Brighton gardener so he or she is clear about expectations.

It is always a good sign if someone you know has already had a good experience with a Brighton gardener and has recommended their company to you personally. This usually means that not only are they a professional and reputable outfit, but also that whoever recommended them also had a good experience working with them on a  personal level. A garden project can often involve a lot of liaising as plans and decisions can evolve and change on a day to day basis, so it is essential that you can communicate effectively and cordially with your gardener and see your project through to satisfactory conclusion.

So what doyou need toconsider when hiring Brighton gardeners? Here are the answers at

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Why going to Rock school is better than music lessons | Rock School Brighton

Unless you are an incredibly gifted musical prodigy a la Mozart, Jimi Hendrix or Brian Wilson (all of them musical geniuses in my opinion) you are going to need some sort of guidance in your musical quest. This will of course mean that you are going to need some type of tuition or music lessons.

As someone who has been in this position I know how crucial it is to be taught in a way that suits the type of musician you want to be and the style of music you want to play. Its no use getting lessons from someone who teaches acoustic folk music if you are a thrash metal freak. Here at Rock Scool Brighton we are of the opinion that taking a course at a rock school is always going to be a more beneficial route to take rather than having private one-to-one lessons, not to say often more expensive.

One-to-one lessons ate perfectly ok if you have have been playing for a while and have a definite teacher in mind who specialises in your chosen style whocan take you to the next stage, and are particulerly useful if you are a solo player, such as a pianist or acoustic guitarist. But for most people who at the beginning of their musical paths, they are interested in not just learning an instrument, but also want to play with others in a band and become a musician.

Rock schools in Brighton are ideal for this but not all are the same. Often the school will teach you in a classroom type environment which is convenient for the school and good from a social standpoint. From the students point of view, you get taught in structured, course type format learning what you need to know in an atmosphere that is  encourageing and not a little competitive between your fellow pupils. This can also have the effect of making everyone ultimately sound the same as they have been similarly influenced in knowlege, style and technique, the result tending to squash any individuality and creativity.

These Rock schools are really suited to musician who has been playing for a while as they often need you to take an audition to show you are of a sufficient standard to take the course. This is of course no good for a beginner or a younger player.

The type of Rock school that caters for this level of player does things slightly differently. Rather than in a classroom environment, the lessons are taught one-to-one BUT a greater emphasis is put on playing and being taught with other students in a band context. They also encourage you to play what you want to (rather than what is in a course written by a tutor) and develop your own style through creative collaboration with your bandmates and other students.

This approach gives your learning more meaning, as you can immediately apply what you have learnt to a real musical situation. This boosts your enthusiasm and confidence way more than a weekly music lesson ever could on its own, and makes learning an instrument a lot more fun.

At Rock School Brighton we have talked toanumber of Rock schools in the Brighton area and have found one that really fits the bill if you want to learn your chosen instrument be it guitar, bass, drums, keyboards or vocals in a fun and enthusiastic environment that will get you the results you want. Check them out here.

Here is a post that discusses why you are better off going toaRock School in Brighton to learn to rockout that having boring one-to-one lessons. Gocheck the rest of the site out at

Friday, 12 November 2010

7 Great Tips For Garden Design | Gardeners Brighton

So you have decided to save some money on your garden makeover project and have a go at doing the the garden design yourself. Here are some tips on what you ought to consider when you draw up the plans for your new garden.

What kind of theme are you going for? Landscapes a bit like art or paintings and usually have a central object or point of interest that surrounding objects point to or enhance. Thinks about what this might be-a lawn, a tree, a water feature or maybe a patio etc. If you have a walled garden space, you could add a colour theme to it by painting one or more of them.

If you have a lawn then you already have a focal point for the garden. Don’t overcrowd it with too much bedding, statues or garden ornaments. Leave it as open space that is enhanced by its surroundigs.

Ascertain what type of soil you have in you beds. Certain plants grow better depending on the acidity or alkalinity or the soil. If there are certain plants that you really want to include in the plan but your soil type is not quite suitable for them you can change your soils acidity/alkalinity by adding mulch, peat, limestone etc. and get a better match for you choice of plant.

Different plants need different amounts of room to flourish. Each plants’ root system vary greatly in size and you need to consider what plants will go well together so as one plant does not smother its neighbour and possibly kill it. Make sure your plans account for each plants space requirements, some need to be feet apart from each other to grow.

If possible use plants that are native to your region as they will flourish best. Plants from other regions and countries will require a lot more care. Also choose plants that come into bloom at different times of the year. By staggering the time of year of blooming you will have a more varied and interesting garden with something drawing the attention at most times, rather than a flurry of activity just once a year and a rather dull looking garden the rest of the time.

If you plan to plant trees, be mindful not to place a large tree that overshadows other plants or a portion of the lawn as they will not do well if in too much shade but a large lawn can handle a large tree as a central focal point. Don’t plant too many trees too close together as they will compete for root space and light as well as over shadow any lawn they might be near. Choose trees for their interesting foliage, unusual bark patterns, or their flowers and try to match trees that compliment each other. Also consider how large the trees are likely to grow over time, so make sure that they are not planted too close to any buildings etc.

Wood chips placed around plants, shrubs and trees are a good idea if you like the look as they also help keep in moisture, repel weeds, and provide natural food as they break down. It is also a good idea to put down some kind of membrane underneath the wood chips for even greater ease of maintenance.

Here is a new post over at for tips on designing your garden yourself!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Which Instrument Should I learn? | Rock School Brighton

If you’ve always fancied yourself as a bit of a rock star but you’d rather stick pins in yours eyes than go on X factor you have probably thought about joining a band. Aah..the fame, fortune,groupies..But hang on a minute-you don’t play a instrument!

Well you could get round this by scouting round for a band that needs a vocalist, but last time you tried to charm the birds from the trees whilst in the shower they all flew off! Along with every other living creature within earshot. Now you may have a good voice, which with training could be a great one and if that’s the case then joining a Rock School will certainly be a fantastic idea, but if not then a few decisions need to be made.

Not a natural singer or frontperson? Then you probably fancy yourself as a guitarist, bass player, drummer, keyboard or brass player. So what are the relative merits of each? Whats required? How much do they cost etc?

Let have a look at each in turn.

Guitars are cheap, portable, easy to learn to a level to play with others and have great pose value (you must have noticed this)! And when you plug them in to a good amplifier (you’ll need one of these if you intend to play electric) and switch them up sound…well that’s down to you-let’s hope you’ve been practising and rehearsing. You’ll be up against a lot of competition as it seems everyone and their dog wants to play the guitar these days.

Bass guitars are somewhat different. They are still cheap and portable, definitely require a bass amplifier and don’t quite have the natural pose value of the 6-string. Actually you can be playing a bass line on a bass guitar within minutes, as they have only4 strings rather than a guitars six. Another plus for basses is that there is always a demand for good bass players, so you should never be without employment if you take it up.

If the drums are your bag then starting out can be relatively inexpensive. You can buy cheap beginners kits but don’t expect them to last. Then you have the hassle of transporting your drums to anywhere you want to play them which usually means driving. Learning the drums to a level where you can play in a band should not take too long as long as you have a sense of rhythm and have the facility to actually practise on the kit. Most drummers seem to be natural extroverts, so if this describes your personality then drums could well be the ideal instrument for you.

By contrast people who take up the piano/keyboards are more introverted types. The theory goes that they are self accompanists and don’t necessarily need any other instrument to perform with. Of course not all are and a Hammond organ is a great feature in any band, for instance. Easy to learn and portable, keyboards are very cheap these days and you can get started easily as you will not need an amplifier initially.

Finally we have brass players. If  you see yourself as a swinging solo sax player or a part of a funky horn section, brass instruments certainly have the pose factor! The ultimate in portability you can practise your horn anywhere. They probably aren’t as immediate as the other instruments mentioned as you need to develop an “embouchure” so that your lips can form the right shape and the correct reed or mouthpiece technique which produces the sound. Price of brass instruments varies depending on what type you want and its age. A new student model shouldn’t be too expensive though.

Of course, all this can be made much easier if you take some form of tuition. Joining a Rock school means that you get taught by qualified tutors, are placed in a band and given somewhere to rehearse that has a Public Address system, guitar amplifiers and a drum kit provided as well as encouragement in writing and recording your own compositions if you want. All this rounded off with a performance at a local venue, so start practising those moves!

Here's some advice on what instrument to learn if you want to play in a band but aren't sure of which instrument to go for.
For more information about Rock Schools head over to

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Which type of gardener do you need? | Gardeners Brighton

So you have decided that its time you sorted your garden out. Only thing is you either don’t want to do the sorting yourself or just don’t know how. For some, “sorting” could mean complete clearance and starting again with the space behind their house, or just a little pruning and weeding here and there, or something in between. Whatever your needs you are going to probably need to engage the services of a professional gardener.

But which type of gardener covers which scenario?

The first thing to need to ascertain is exactly what you want the end result to be, how you envision the garden to look in your mind ideally. If you are fairly sure of this because it is not too much different to its current state then a simple one man/woman operation will suffice. These type of gardeners will generally carry out what is called maintenance. This usually invloves regular visits to your garden to clear any over growth, prune plants and trees, trim hedges and bushes, trim borders, weed flowerbeds and mow lawns etc. If you were thinking that you need that kind of service then you should be able to find one relatively easily locally.

If you want to change the look of your garden a bit more rather than just keeping it in good condition, then you may want to consider adding/removing plants and or trees. The planting of trees is seasonal in nature and requires some specialist knowledge. This means that your maintenance gardener may not have this knowledge or expertise, but should be able to recommend a gardener who does this type of gardening. If they do then they can advise you on the type of plants, flowers and shrubs that would be suitable for your garden. If you needed trees removed then a qualification is needed for doing this especially if they need to operate a chainsaw. So check they are qualified to use one.

Sometimes a garden can have been left to become overgrown for years often neglected by successive owners of the house. In this case you may want to create something from scratch that is you dream garden. This would involve completely redesigning part or perhaps the whole of the garden space, and for this you will need a different type of gardener-a landscaper.

Landscape gardeners basically re-build gardens completely transforming a space beyond recognition. If you have a good idea of what you require then you can plan the garden yourself and oversee the work the landscape company does as the job progresses. This will save you money on getting a planned design drawn up. If you really aren’t sure what you want to do with that overgrown jungle out there and need some ideas, then a landscaping company may well offer to provide you with a design. From this starting point you can consider their initial suggestions and then modify them to your tastes until your arrive at something you like.

Here is a new post about types of gardeners from my blog over at


Well back home again after a fewdays in Gloucestershire at my Mum's place. Isn't it great to be waited on handand foot by someone else? Actually it was just nice not to have to cook for yourself really. And so it is, back to the daily grind...

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Guitar lessons-whats the best way to learn? | Rock School Brighton

As someone who has had guitar lessons from many different teachers over the years, I know how it feels. You ask around, go to your local music shop or look in the small ads for information on how to find a guitar teacher. Then you contact  them, check what they charge per hour is the going rate and book a lesson. Sure they may have been recommended or are well known to other musicians, but are they right for you?

Unfortunately the only way to find out is to go to the lesson and see how it goes. A bit of a gamble to say the least.

So you go in and sit down, tune up and the teacher says, “so what is it you want to learn?” And for most people the answer is “How to play the guitar”. Very few pupils really have a definite idea of what it is they want or need to learn, and expect the guitar teacher to tell them. Ok, you might have a passion for playing something of a particular genre, say, Jazz guitar for instance, but unless you already know a fair bit about it (in which case, why would you need lessons?), the more basic building blocks of theory, harmony, melody etc. need to be in place first.

So this becomes a difficult scenario for both sides. Say you do have a definite style that you want to learn, and the teacher gives you just the kind of lesson you were expecting, what happens when you leave? Even with some notes and homework they gave you, you’re still on your own until next time. This usually means that you aren’t really supported in between times, and don’t much feel like practising or trying to decipher what you were told to do.

The best way to avoid all this uncertainty and feeling of being alone in your quest is to join a Rock school. You don’t get left to figure things out yourself as you are taught both one to one and as part of a performing ensemble. This gives you much more of a focus as you are not only learning for yourself but with and for others. This builds up your confidence and drive to learn more as you can actually gauge your progress with tangible results, as you will ultimately be giving a live public performance.

If you want to be a solo guitarist this is still the best way to learn, as the guitar style of your choice will be catered for by one of the Rock schools guitar tutors (rather than being limited to one that you hope will suit you), and you will still get the performance element which is so important to you gaining confidence as a guitarist.

So no matter what style you want to learn or level of guitarist you are, joining a Rock school is definitely the way to go.

Here's my latest post all about how you should learn the guitar with a Rock School. Check out the rest of the site at

About | Gardeners Brighton

So why start a blog site called Well usually if people are looking for a gardener in the Brighton area they will type “gardener” or “gardeners” followed by the word “Brighton”, and I guess as you are reading this you did too! I don’t own or run a gardening company myself (although I did used to work as a landscape gardener) so I designed the site for people to get impartial information when searching for a gardener in Brighton.

When I used to work as a gardener, I never did just one type of gardening. Even though we were a landscape company, we used to do all the other types as well, such as garden redesign, clearance, pruning, planting, lawn cutting and general maintenance. So it struck me that people need advice on what type of gardener would be suitable for their needs as not all gardening companies offer a complete service. They are often one man operations that offer only a simple maintenance service and would not be suitable for relaying a patio for instance.

The site aims to cover each type of gardening and gardener giving an insight into what they involve and what might be offered, meaning that you will be much better informed when it comes to deciding what kind of gardener you need. Anyway I hope you find the site useful and if you need an all round garden service, check out the one I’ve featured, and get the garden you’ve always dreamed of.

I started a blog at and her's my About page which explains why.

Monday, 8 November 2010

About | Rock School Brighton

So why start a blog titled Firstly, I don’t own a Rock School in the Brighton area so the site was designed to give the budding musician an impartial view when it came to choosing the right one for them or their child. As someone who learnt the guitar form having regular lessons at a local Brighton Rock School, I have  personal experience of learning an instrument in this way. I know what you need to know to make the right choice and what to look out for.

I used to hang out at local gigs and got to know a lot of experienced musicians and guitar tutors in the Brighton area,  so when I decided I wanted to “up my game” I asked them where they thought was the best place to do this. Some also taught the guitar and suggested I come to them for lessons. But I wanted a more integrated and creative environment to get my inner axe hero out there, rather than just lessons. So they suggested a local Brighton Rock School.

I did bit more research and discoved that this really was my ideal solution, as they covered all the necessary bases to become a musician, rather than someone who plays a bit of guitar.  Not only did the lessons get my chops together, but I started playing in a band with other students, actually writing original tunes and performing them in public!

So if you want progress quickly in an enthusiastic and nurturing environment, then joining a Rock school is the way to go in my opinion, no matter what  age you are or level of experience you have. Anyway, I hope you find the site useful, and if you decide this route is right for you, check out the Rock School in Brighton that I’ve featured and they will bring out your inner Rock star!

Here's why I started and why Rock Schools are a great way to learn!

Welcome To Gardeners Brighton Dot Com | Gardeners Brighton

This website is all about finding the right Gardener in Brighton for your needs. Here at we aim to help you make an informed decision in your choice of gardener whether you need a full redesign and landscape job, seasonal garden work, regular care and maintenance or just getting your lawn cut.

Gardening companies vary in size from large commercial operations that work with civil engineering companies and town planners right down to one man gardeners that do simple maintenance for private residences. Most people that are looking for a gardener to design and build a new garden for their house or want someone to come round on a regular basis and maintain an existing garden to keep it in good condition.

Whatever type of gardener you are looking for you will find the information you need here at Just checkout the rest of the site for more information and recommended gardeners in the Brighton area.

Here's a new site I've just put up giving people infomation about gardeners in Brighton. Aaah, takes me back to my days as a Landscape gardeners labourer....

Saturday, 6 November 2010

2010 November 06 | Rock School Brighton

Sat 6 Nov 2010

Jambrighton are an established and well respected Rock School in the Brighton area that satisfies all the aforementioned criteria.

Jambrighton is where anyone from Brighton and the surrounding area, interested in playing music can get the chance to create their own band and play regular gigs. If you’ve always wanted to perform as a musician by singing or playing guitar, bass, drums, keyboards or other instruments this is the place to start.

Call Gordon for a chat on 01273 779930 or visit the Jambrighton website for more information.


Here some information about my friend Gordons great Rock School in Brighton

Friday, 5 November 2010

How To Find The Best Rock School in Brighton | Rock School Brighton

So what do you need to take into consideration before picking a Rock school in Brighton?

There are a number of points to consider before contacting a Rock school so that you can be sure you have made the right choice for either you or your child.

Firstly, do they offer a complete service? Do they offer private, one-to-one tuition with a designated tutor, rather than in a more impersonal class type format? Your  progress will be greatly enhanced if you get individual attention and encouragement.

Does the Rock school solely offer lessons in a particular instrument? Some schools only teach you how to play an instrument without any structure or context to what you will actually be learning, so leaving you to fend for yourself once the lesson is over.

Make sure that the Rock school has a program of learning that involves some kind of performance aspect. This usually involves playing and working with other students in a band for a terms duration which ultimately culminates in a public performance at a local live music venue.

Does the Rock school put any emphasis on creativity? Its all very well learning songs parrot-fashion but this approach won’t give a budding songwriter any understanding how a song is written and arranged. As well as learning to play an instrument, the Rock school should encourage their students to write their own material as they learn about music, not just the instrument.

Are the staff qualified? It is always a good ides the check up on the Rock Schools’ teaching staff for any teaching qualifications they may have and also relevant experience within the music industry. You may find yourself being taught by a member of a famous rock group!

Armed with this information you should be able make a better judgement when trying to find a Rock School in Brighton that satisfies your needs.

Here's the second post I made about how to choose the best Rock School in Brighton.


Had a good evening coming up with ideas for our new blues band with my mate Keith last night. Noits not going to be the boring Chicago shuffle type of thing that everyone else does. More a cross between The Black Keys, Portishead, Lightnin' Slim and Led Zeppelin. Hmm...sounds interesting? I'll keep you posted of course.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Too much Italian

Went and met my friend Steph for lunch (after having met my solicitor-but thats another story!) and we devided to go Italian. Told her abourt my new business that I am in the processof setting up as well as getting the 2 course £6.95 deal at the restaurant. A good time was had by all but I am back home now and feeling rather over-stuffed with tagliatelle carbonara. Think I'll go for a snooze....

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


I play the guitar but this kid is pretty good too!!

Sleez's first post

Hi my name is Mr.Sleez and this is the first post to my new Blogger blog. I come across all sorts of really cool stuff whilst surfing the web and I thought that I could start up a blog so that I could share it with family friends and enemies alike!