Thursday, 18 November 2010

What you will learn in a Rock School Brighton band | Rock School Brighton

Thu 18 Nov 2010

Learning a musical instrument whereby you are taught what to play and how to play it by a teacher on a one-to-one basis is a great way to learn. You will become familiar with chords (if a chordal instrument), scales, rhythm, tempo, melody and harmony. But how do all these different aspects of music combine to make up,well,-music?

Most people that want to learn an instrument do so because they would ultimately like to play with others and make music in a band rather than be a soloist or self accompanist. So what will you learn by getting together with other people and collaborating on a musical project?

A good Rock School in Brighton will not only teach you about your chosen instrument but will also, pretty much from the beginning, get you playing with fellow students who are at a similar level of learning. So if you are a guitarist you will usually be encouraged to team up with a bass guitarist, drummer and a vocalist to form a band. From within this unit the Rock school tutor will teach you how to be a band. So what will you discover?

It is important that the band members are all of a similar musical standard so no-one feels left behind or as if they are not being challenged enough. Then the actual mechanics of how a band works will start to reveal themselves as the tutor takes you through learning and performing a song. You will discover how the different instruments can combine to form something that is greater than the sum of its component parts. How the drum pattern combines with a bass guitar figure, how a guitar riff is underpinned by a solid rhythm and how a vocal melody can weave in and out of a instrumental backing.

You will also learn about dynamics ie. when to increase the intensity and volume of a piece and when to lay back and play more quietly, about accents, musical stabs, time signatures and different musical styles. Then there is how to arrange a song, meaning where to put each instrument in a song and what it is they play in relation to another instrument to create the kind of “feel” you are after. Not to mention different types of sounds that a musician can get from his instrument and equipment, as well as how to correctly set up and balance a vocal PA system and what you need to know to set up a public performance.

As you can see there is a great deal that you can from being taught music in a band context that goes way beyond what you could learn from private one-to-one lessons. It is all part of what a good Brighton Rock school should be teaching as part of their curriculum. One we recommend that has particularly good reputation for dedication and the encouragement of its students in this context can be contacted by clicking the link here.


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Playing and learningin a Brighton rock school band is best. Here's why...

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